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Procedure for review

The review procedure:

All articles received by the editorial board, should take compulsory scientific expertise. Among reviewers of the journal are leading scholars from Russian universities and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences as well as international experts that have published on the subject of peer-reviewed material and have for the last 3 years of the publication of peer-reviewed articles on the subject.

All thematically relevant articles submitted to the journal are subject to double blind peer review. We will not accept again the article not recommended for publication by reviewer. According to Editorial Board’s decision, only those articles get published that have received two positive reviews (including one external). Negative reviews will be sent to the author by e-mail.

Scientific editorial department determines is article profiled to the journal`s thematic and the requirements for registration, and then send it for review to the specialist closest to the topic.

Editorial department send the receipt notice to author of the of the article within 7 days.

Timing review determined individually taking into account the different circumstances (the formation of the current issue of the journal, the formation of the total journal store, etc.), but not more than 90 days.

The review contains following: scientific novelty, methodological newness, the representativeness of the original sources and validity of conclusions, the correctness of the use of publications, literary style.

The presence of positive reviews is not sufficient grounds for the publication of the article. Editorial board makes final decision on publication.

After making decision to publish articles by the editorial board, the editorial department will inform the author about it and the date of publication.

Editorial Board must send to the authors copies of reviews or reasoned refusal, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews in the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation in the case of official request.

The originals of the reviews are kept in the archive of editorial department during 5 years.