Issue 4 (53)

Year 2016 Number 4 (53)
Pages 6-14 Type scientific article
UDC 7.031"632/633" BBK 63.4-428
Authors Bahn Paul G.
Summary The article deals with the history of the discovery and recognition of Paleolithic “cave art outside the caves”. Not all open-air rock images claimed to be Paleolithic, e.g. in Siberia, can be attributed to the Ice Age. Nonetheless, many of the petroglyphs discovered in Western Europe, beginning in the 1990s, have been recognized as Paleolithic by a growing number of researchers using various dating methods. Some sites, for example those discovered at Mazouco, Fornols, and Piedras Blancas featured only one or several figures. Others, such as the locations in the Côa Valley, Siega Verde, and Domingo García, contained hundreds of figures. It is primarily this type of sites on which we base our understanding of the open-air Paleolithic art phenomenon. New “candidates” for listing as this type of site were discovered recently in Germany, Italy and Egypt. Today we can state with a reasonable degree of confidence that the common, traditional art form of Ice Age was not cave art at all (the latter owes its popularity to the fact that it happened to survive in a good state of preservation to this day). It is far more probable, though there is no way to prove it, that during that period the dominant type of rock art consisted of images drawn under rock overhangs, at cave entrances, and, particularly, on open-air rock panels.
Keywords Paleolithic open-air art, Paleolithic, Domingo Garcia, Siega Verde, Côa Valley

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