Issue 1 (46)

Year 2015 Number 1(46)
Pages 92-100 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470) «1824/1825» BBK 63.3(2)521.1-3
Authors Bolenko Konstantin G.
Summary The article provides clarification of the circumstances of the formation and the evolution of a group, the leader of which was one of the leaders of the Northern Society I. I. Pushchin. The group, whose membership was much wider than the secret societies' members, tried to 'revive' certain aspects of the Union of Welfare ideology with a marked bias to classic liberalism, specifically with the elements of legal ethos. From the point of view of the history of Decembrism it is possible to talk about the formation of a course which would have been an alternative to a military coup. Since the most important factor influencing the appearance of this group was the policy pursued in Moscow by the Governor-General D. V. Golitsin, the purpose of which was the improvement of the work of the Government administration and judiciary institutions, the group may be viewed as an association formed at the junction of the aristocratic and the nobility ”liberalism”. The need for obtaining permission for the implementation of the policy gives grounds for raising a question about the role of Golitsin and his policies in the reforms projects of Alexander I
Keywords Decembrism, liberalist movement, aristocratic liberalism, Moscow council of North¬ern society, liberal bureaucracy, D. V. Golitsyn, I. I. Pushchin, judicial reform

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