Issue 2 (47)

Year 2015 Number 2(47)
Pages 108-117 Type scientific article
UDC 34.03 BBK 67.91
Authors Novikova Natalia I.
Wilson Emma
Summary This article analyses international, European, British and Russian standards of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Such standards have had an influence on the evolution of CSR in the UK and in Russia. Experience from the UK and Russia also illustrates the pluses and minuses of legal regulation of CSR. This article uses this experience in analysing the legal framework for supporting the rights of indigenous peoples of the Russian North. Given a certain weakening and particular gaps in the Russian legal framework, CSR is emerging as an effective mechanism for protecting the rights of indigenous peoples and promoting sustainable development. A comparative analysis of the experience of Lukoil in the Khanti Mansiisk Autonomous Region and Sakhalin Energy on Sakhalin Island illustrates the influence that transnational corporations and European CSR culture can have on the way that economic agreements are negotiated between companies and local indigenous populations.
Keywords Ñorporate social responsibility, ethical norms, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Global Compact, indigenous peoples of the Russian North, Social Charter of Russian Business, Lukoil, Sakhalin Energy
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