Issue 4 (49)

Year 2015 Number 4(49)
Pages 95-105 Type scientific article
UDC 94 (470) «1914/1918»:314045 BBK 633 (2)534-68+
Authors Mikhalev Nikolay A.
Pjankov Stepan A.
Summary The subject of the article is the statistical dimension of the refugees history of the World War I period in the Russian Empire. Military actions caused both voluntary escape and forced relocation of hundreds of thousands of people from the front-line territories. The article systematized the data about the general number of refugees collected by the Tatianinsky Committee, the Zemsky and the City Councils — the leading non-government refugees support organizations of that time. The author studied most commonly used approaches towards the estimates of the total refugees number in Russian and foreign literature on the subject. A conclusion was made that the available for historic research national statistics was inevitably based on rough estimates and could give only very tentative ideas of the scale of the refugees phenomenon which could have affected from 5 to 15 million people. Particular attention was paid to qualitative analysis of the refuge flows: main directions of their movement, ethnic composition and age and gender characteristics of the refugees were analyzed.
Keywords World War I, migrations, refugees, statistics

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