Issue 4 (49)

Year 2015 Number 4(49)
Pages 146-152 Type scientific article
UDC 929:94 BBK 63.3 — 8
Authors Yumasheva Yulia Y.
Summary The article gives a brief historiographic overview of historical and biographic studies by Russian and foreign researchers within the context of three supplementary historical disciplines — genealogy, prosopography and historical demography; it offers a comparative analysis of research subjects, sources and methodological approaches used by these disciplines. For the first time in Russian historiographic studies a practical case of interdisciplinary studies (with the use of IT) is analyzed. The project involved the study of nominative documents information, personnel records, as well as personal origin documents from the state archives of the Russian Federation and other countries. Huge Internet based bio-information resources have been analyzed leading to a conclusion about a significant potential for the Internet assisted historico-demographic, genealogical and prosopographic studies.
Keywords Archival documents, genealogy, prosopography, historical demography

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