Issue 1 (42)

Year 2014 Number 1(42)
Pages 13-22 Type scientific article
UDC 94(47)”1914/19” BBK 63.3(2)611-6
Authors Shatsillo Viacheslav K.
Summary The article analyzes the most topical issues in the history of the Russian Empire’s relations with its adversaries during World War I period. Particular attention is paid to the attempts of the German military and political leadership to persuade Russia entering into a separate peace treaty with the Central Powers in the end of 1914–1916. Based on original documents from German archives, many of which have not been academically researched before, the author came to the conclusion that the Russian government firmly rejected all attempts to conclude a separate peace treaty with the enemy behind their allies’ back. On the other hand the German military and political leadership also did not share one common strategy with regard to the Russian Empire. The advocates of entering into a peace treaty with Petrograd faced strong opposition in Berlin from supporters of tough annexationist policy and the idea of complete military defeat of Russia.
Keywords World War I, the international relations during the 1914–1916, peaceful mediation, separate negotiations between Germany and Russia, foreign policy of Russian Empire

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