Issue 1 (42)

Year 2014 Number 1(42)
Pages 112-122 Type scientific article
UDC 902(470.5) BBK 63.4(235.55)
Authors Pavlova Olga A.
Chairkina Natalia M.
Vilisov Eugene V.
Summary One of the least studied periods in the history of Mid Trans-Ural is the early Bronze Age (according to the regional chronological scale – end of the 3rd – beginning of the 2nd millennium BC) marked by Karasjeozersky type sites. In excavation No 72 of 2009 of VI open mine of the Gorbunov peatbog a wooden structure was registered and studied for the first time – probably a deck or a deck with fore-roof – which was accompanied by accumulation of Karasjeozersky type vessels, and metal, stone and wooden items. Metal items were represented with rare categories – a pendent and a dagger, which had no analogues in other sites of this period in the Mid Trans-Ural. Ceramic complexes of the Karasjeozersky type had their own specifi cs, however in a number of characteristics had similarities with the Late Ayat’, the Elelizavetinsky, and the Koptyakovo ones. Indirect data and typological analysis provide for the possibility of contemporaneity of existence of the Eleliza vetinsky and the Karasjeozersky social groups, and in the early periods of the latter, probably also the Late Ayat’ ones. The few known dates for the Koptyakovo complexes indicated a later period of their existence and their possible synchronization at an early stage with the Karasjeozersky ones. According to the radiocarbon dating, including by direct AMS dates, the wooden structure from excavation No 72 of VI open mine of the Gorbunov peat-bog functioned about 3730–3705 y.a., or between 2280–1970 BC.
Keywords VI open mine of the Gorbunov peat-bog, excavation number 72, a wooden building, ceramics, Early Bronze Age

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