Issue 2 (43)

Year 2014 Number 2(43)
Pages 6-17 Type scientific article
UDC 903.25(571) ‘‘632’’ BBK 63.442.12(253)
Authors Pitulko Vladimir V.
Pavlova Elena Y.
Ivanova Varvara V.
Summary Here we discuss collection of beads excavated from Upper Paleolithic Yana site which dates to ~28,500 14C B.P. The total number of such finds including incomplete items and waste products exceeds 7000 pieces. This is one of the world largest collections of Paleolithic beads. Two kinds of them present – type 1 (simple rounded beads, mostly ivory beads) and tubular bone beads with incision in the middle part. Due to exceptionally full manufactury context, the technological chain is reconstructed. Statistics of metric parameters reveals certain metric standards which have been followed strictly by the manufactures. In situ finds allow seeing simple compositions made of beads. Colouring of beads with red ochre constitutes a remarkable feature of the complex which is known specifically in the Upper Paleolithic of Siberia and then serves as important regional/cultural indication.
Keywords Paleolithic, art, jewelry, typology, technology, processing tusk, Siberia, Arctic, Stone Age

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