Issue 2 (43)

Year 2014 Number 2(43)
Pages 63-71 Type scientific article
UDC 903.2(571.121) BBK 63.442.7(253.3)
Authors Fedorova Natalia V.
Summary The articles analyses the anthropomorphic images discovered within the ancient Ust-Poluy sacred place complex (1st century BC — 1st century AD). The author gives a brief overview of available sources, analyses the manufacturing process, iconography of the images, building of compositions and scenes with the participation of anthropomorphic personages. As a result the author made a conclusion about the unity of anthropomorphic images, has drawn the boundaries of similar artifacts distribution area, and offered a hypothesis suggesting that the art of Ust-Poluy was a precursor of the art of Middle Ages in this region.
Keywords ancient sanctuary of the Ust-Polui, anthropomorphic images, technology, iconography, composition

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