Issue 2 (43)

Year 2014 Number 2(43)
Pages 108-114 Type scientific article
UDC 338.47(470+571) BBK 63.3(21)
Authors Karpov Victor P.
Summary It is shown that both de facto and de jure the Northern Sea Route (NSR) constitutes a historical, geographical and political heritage of Russia. The article gives an overview of the history of the study and the development of the polar route, its role in strengthening the political, economic and defense potential of the country. The author demonstrated the need to restore the scale of freight traffic along the NSR that existed during the Soviet period as an important indicator of the state’s presence in the region. The article also describes current NSR development challenges, as well as attempts of the relevant national policy conceptualization. It is emphasized that the efficiency of proposed solutions will depend on the degree of integration of the polar and sub-polar regions into a common economic territory of Siberia and the rest of Russia. It is demonstrated that the Yamal region offers the most sophisticated infrastructure for further expansion into the Arctic. Construction of Sabetta seaport may strongly enhance the development of both the NSR and the Russian Arctic as a whole. Revival of the Northern Sea Route is an important factor in achieving the national strategic objectives in the Arctic.
Keywords the Northern Sea Route, the Northern policy, Russia, the Arctic, development, Yamal

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