Issue 2 (43)

Year 2014 Number 2(43)
Pages 115-124 Type scientific article
UDC 94(2)”19”:339 BBK 65.03(2)6
Authors Timoshenko Vladimir P.
Summary Following the period of dramatic transformations the growing “openness” of the Russian economy to the global markets requires rethinking of historical background of international cooperation in the development of this vast region. Availability of rich mineral resources in the North of Russia the size and quality of which by far exceeds similar reserves in other countries gives strong reasons to believe that in the foreseeable future the region will maintain its resource export specialization. This also confirms the importance of the task of overcoming negative trends in foreign trade operations. Past experience makes it possible to assess the efficiency of various types of cooperation from the regional point of view, estimate the alternative patterns of foreign trade relations, and, finally, determine the nature of the effect of global economic cooperation on the regional economic development. The author does not mean any literal reproduction of historical patterns. It is important to study and understand the foreign trade conditions stimulating or restraining the processes of integration of the regional economy into the global markets. This knowledge may provide a kind of historical “expertise” of contemporary solutions for the transformation of the regional foreign trade policy.
Keywords investment, foreign capital, foreign economic activity, trade and economic relations, compensation agreements, historical experience

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