Issue 3 (44)

Year 2014 Number 3(44)
Pages 96-102 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)”1920” BBK 63.3(235.5)613+60.75
Authors Zhuravleva Vera A.
Summary The article presents an analysis of infant mortality dynamics in the cities of the Ural Oblast during the1920s when the mortality rate was higher then the average performance in the USSR and the RSFSR, but lower then the average for the Oblast or in the rural areas. The authors studied infant mortality structure depending on its causes, identified factors contributing to significant losses in the urban population group under 1 year of age. Based on statistic data for the period 1924–1927 the authors calculated infant mortality ratio in the Ural cities, which was also higher then the corresponding urban population ratio for the USSR and the RSFSR. Key urban infant mortality rate reduction measures in the region have been identified: establishing a network of maternal and child welfare institutions, ensuring obstetric aid accessibility in hospitals, vaccination of the population. As a result by 1929 the cities of the Ural Oblast demonstrated a trend towards the reduction of infant mortality.
Keywords historical demography, the urban population of the Urals, infant mortality

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