Issue 3 (44)

Year 2014 Number 3(44)
Pages 103-111 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.53)”1941/1945” BBK 63.3(235.55)622-9+60.75
Authors Stepanova Natalia V.
Summary On the basis of the running civilian population statistics records the authors performed an analysis of major demographic processes in the Perm Oblast during the years of the Great Patriotic War; identified main demographic development factors, and presented the natural population change dynamics: calculation of the general birth and mortality rates; marriage and divorce rates, changes in the structure and composition of the population. It was noted that despite the inflow of a significant number of evacuated people in 1941–1943 total population of the region significantly decreased during the war years, the decline was particularly notable in the rural areas. The Perm Oblast shared a common for the whole Ural trend towards the increase of the urban population: that was where strong industrial centers were built accompanied by the process of urbanization.
Keywords population policy, population, evacuated population, urbanization, Perm region , the Great Patriotic War

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