Issue 4 (45)

Year 2014 Number 4(45)
Pages 50-59 Type scientific article
UDC 94 (449.45) BBK 63.3(4Ôðà 7)
Authors Talamoni Jean-Guy
Summary During the period between the two world wars (1918–1939) the political and literary life on Corsica became an arena of conflict between the “Corsicans” entertaining nostalgic feelings over the period of independence (1755–1769) and the administration officials and the pro-French bureaucrats strongly resisting any type or form of autonomy. Both parties participating in the conflict tried to offer their own interpretation of the past and manipulate it. While the “Corsicans” glorified the figure of General Pasquale de' Paoli, the head of the independent Corsica in the 18th century, the pro-French participants of the dispute preferred Sampiero Corso — a personage of the 16th century who was an ally of the French. One of the instruments in this conflict was the commemoration of the fallen soldiers. The article sets an example of an interesting analysis in the style of historico-political linguistics of the speech of a Corsican nationalist P. Rocca at the opening of the monument to the fighters for the island's independence in 1925. Using the theoretical ideas suggested by M. Halbwachs, P. Nore, and B. Anderson the author identified the tools with the help of which P. Rocca actualized the events of 1769 at Ponte Novu filling them with political rather than historical meaning, and, appealing to a collective memory of the Corsicans created in so doing the “imagined national”. The author in addition to introducing the readers to the specifics of transformations of historical memory of the Corsicans over the 20th century, also put them into the context of modern political confrontation on the island of Corsica.
Keywords National memory Corsicans, “national imaginary”, the story of Corsica, P. A. Paoli, Corsican nationalism

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