Issue 4 (45)

Year 2014 Number 4(45)
Pages 82-92 Type scientific article
UDC 338(470) BBK 65.03(2)6
Authors Bokarev Yuriy P.
Summary The article reviews various approaches to the definition of the notions “region” and “regional economic space”, the levels of the Russian regional economic space, its basic characteristics, specifics of its influence on changes of administrative boundaries in various regions, the problems of the regional policy of the RF, the factors of the regional development inequality, the regions' contribution to the GDP of Russia. The author believes that the interregional economic ties which were broken during the period of reforms remain weak as a consequence of the region's predominant orientation on the federal center and foreign trade. This explains why the construction of the Russian economic space is still “in progress” which may pose a threat even to the country's existence.
Keywords Region, economic space, economic niches, levels of economic space, the federal district

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