Issue 4 (45)

Year 2014 Number 4(45)
Pages 6-14 Type scientific article
UDC 930(3) BBK 63.1(0)3
Authors Shisterov Maxim V.
Summary The article presents a case study of “myth”, “history” and “memory” concepts correlation using classical societies of Ancient Greece and Rome as an example. Following the theoretical and methodological concept of “cultural memory” developed by a German Egyptologist J. Assmann the author demonstrated the role and significance of classic Greek and Roman historiography in constructing commemorative patterns of ancient societies. Various forms of collective memory manifestation have been studied, as well as the mechanisms of building and transformation of political identity in polis societies of the ancient world, the author also analyzed the problems of history mythologization and historization of myth. The Romans' contribution to the development of the concepts of “history” and collective memory was emphasized. At the same time the author demonstrated the limitations of the antique views on history writing, the problems arising in rela-tion with the attempts to interpret the Greek and Roman historiography as the prototype of “his-tory as an academic discipline”, since because of a number of factors the Greek and the Roman historiography were always tinted with fiction, and were concerned rather with form than substance, focusing primarily on meaning rather than fact.
Keywords Cultural memory, myth, history, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome

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