Issue 4 (45)

Year 2014 Number 4(45)
Pages 121-126 Type scientific article
UDC 397 BBK 63.51
Authors Golovnev Andrei V.
Summary Could a traveler be viewed as super-traveler and a traveler as temporal nomad? Two parallel projects, “Anthropology of travel in ethnohistorical context” and “Arctic mobilities: ethnic traditions and technological innovations,” faces these phenomenon in comparison and projection on current outburst of neo-nomadism. Despite of their obvious differences they are linked by route and mobility. In nomadic culture a notion of “traveler” is akin to truism since the status of route here is commonness, and the route is identical with motive. A nomad easily passes the borders and turn from visitor into vanquisher. If nomadism is seen as nature of human (remembering that humankind was born in migration), rather than archaism, then the nomadology is to be a clue opening mechanisms of dynamics and statics in human history and culture, both in past and future.
Keywords Movement, nomad, travel, neo-nomadism, mobility, anthropology

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