Issue 4 (41)

Year 2013 Number 4(41)
Pages 111-119 Type scientific article
UDC 930(470.5):902.2 BBK 63.401(235.55)
Authors Mosin Vadim S.
Berseneva Natalia A.
Summary The opening of the South-Ural branch of the Institute of History and Archaeology of the Ural Branch of RAS brought about the transformation of approach to archaeological research in the Southern Ural from the traditional university-based archaeology to the more academic approach based on different principles, which means primarily the depth of investigated problems and systemic research against a wide historical background. Despite its modest staffing the team of researchers of the South-Ural branch over the past 20 years covered significant ground in all areas of archaeological research relating to various periods from the Stone Age to the construction of the first cities and mining-and-metal factories in the Southern Ural. Members of our research staff have published about two dozen monographs and over one hundred articles, presented plenty of papers, and take an active part in popularization of historical knowledge. The publications of the branch’s researchers are well known in international academic community and are published in the English, the German, and the Hungarian languages. Three doctoral theses have been defended. Our future development will involve further field studies in accordance with the best standards, writing generalizing works on archaeology of the Southern Ural and the neighboring territories, expansion of international relations. With all this in mind we’ll turn a new page in the history of the South-Ural branch of the Institute of History and Archaeology of the Ural Branch of RAS.
Keywords South Trans-Ural Department Ural branch of the RAS, scientific framework, Stone, Bronze and Iron Age archaeology, Medieval archaeology of South Urals

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