Issue 4 (41)

Year 2013 Number 4(41)
Pages 28-38 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)”1918” BBK 63.3(235.55)612-414.8
Authors Weber Mikhail I.
Summary The article presents an analysis of intensive migration processes taking place within the Russian Empire during World War I, which led to the change of the traditional ethnic composition of the Urals population and resulted in a significant growth of social tension in the Ural factory towns. The author mentions three groups of migrants, which turned to be most revolutionized and were actively involved in establishing the Bolshevik dictatorship in the Urals. Active participation of the migrants in the revolutionary events in a number of cases gave the anti-Bolshevik mutinies of the Urals workers, which started in spring 1918, the character of acute ethnic conflicts. On the basis of the formerly unpublished archive documents, memoirs and press publications the author reconstructed the events of the two large mutinies of the Urals workers on ethnic grounds, which occurred in Verkhe-Turinsky and Miass company towns.
Keywords the Russian Civil war, Ural region, migration, uprising, Red Guard, prisoners of war, Letts

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