Issue 4 (41)

Year 2013 Number 4(41)
Pages 39-49 Type scientific article
UDC 94(571)”1918/1919” BBK 63.3(2)612-9
Authors Ivanov Alexey V.
Trofimov Andrey V.
Summary The subject for research was the work of the anti-Bolshevik governments formed during the period of the Civil War in the eastern regions of Russia, the goal of which was consolidation of all groups of society dissatisfied with the policy of the Soviet power. Based on the analysis of historical and historiographic sources the authors attempted to establish whether the alternative to the Soviet power governments pursued the goal of ensuring cooperation between different classes of society, and to what extent they succeeded in this work. The authors made reference to specific facts as evidence of the anti-Bolshevik governments’ attempts to create and maintain dialogue with all groups of society and secure maximum public support for their actions. The article indicates various economic, political, as well as social and psychological reasons which preconditioned failure of the attempts to secure social consensus during the Civil War period. The authors made a conclusion of a chronic deficit of tolerance in the Russian society, the result of which is a consistent Russian statehood development within the authoritarianism trend.
Keywords history of Russia, XX century, the Civil War, the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, the peasantry, the working class, anti-Bolshevik government

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