Issue 4 (41)

Year 2013 Number 4(41)
Pages 72-77 Type scientific article
UDC 930(470.5)”19” BBK 63.1(235.55)6
Authors Rodkin Dmitry V.
Summary The paper deals with the issues of the use of armed forces construction workers during the construction of the Soviet nuclear project facilities in the Middle and the South Ural in 1945 — first half of the 1960-s. The author studied the structure, numbers, and sources of labor force for manning the construction subdivisions. Significant attention has been given to the problem of the change of the armed forces construction personnel status within the nuclear industry system. The analysis covered both quantitative and qualitative performance indicators of the use of enlisted labor. The key conclusion made by the author was that the armed forces construction workers, despite the significant associated costs, were a necessary prerequisite for the fulfillment of the nuclear industry production facilities construction plans.
Keywords Soviet atomic project, military construction units, forced labor, repatriate

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