Issue 4 (41)

Year 2013 Number 4(41)
Pages 78-87 Type scientific article
UDC 930(470.5)”19” BBK 63.1(235.55)6
Authors Speransky Andrei V.
Summary The article offers a concept and methodology review, and an attempt at theoretical justification of the potential for the Ural’s history studies. It presents an analysis of the achievements of historical research in the study of the region’s development in the twentieth century. The author emphasizes the high level of historical knowledge accumulation during the previous periods, which has created serious preconditions for the fundamental generalizations. Attention is drawn to the poorly researched topics which may become subjects for further study. The author proposes an original methodological model and periodization for conceptualization of the history of the Ural in the 20th century as the basis for structuring the generalizing academic research. A conclusion is made that the proposed approach to future research relying on the synthesis of continuous development of historiographic heritage and the new topics, based on extensive integrative analysis of the formerly unpublished archive documents will, in addition to expanding the already existing historical knowledge, provide for the formulation of new problems and contribute to their innovative understanding.
Keywords the Urals, Russia, modernization, region, center, periphery, transformation, periodization, methodology, prospects

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