Issue 4 (41)

Year 2013 Number 4(41)
Pages 88-99 Type scientific article
UDC 903.27(470.5):7.031.1”632” BBK 63.4(235.55)-428+ 63.4(4)-428
Authors Shirokov Vladimir N.
Summary The article compares South Ural and West European caves with Upper Paleolithic rock paintings. Where necessary brief comparison is made by various parameters (placement of the ancient drawings, their topics, iconography and style). A conclusion is made that the decorated caves of the two Paleolithic cave art centers are very similar, moreover the extent of the similarities can not be explained from the positions of convergence. According to the author such similarities originated from certain periods of the Upper Paleolithic when similar natural conditions prevailed over the vast expanse of Northern Eurasia, which were favorable both for the migrations of people and for the transfer or exchange of technologies, ideas, and styles. The break up of the Late Gravettian unity preconditioned the phenomenological affinity of the cave Paleolithic art from the Atlantic Ocean to the Urals, and the roots of the Southern Ural center of Paleolithic art go back to West European tradition.
Keywords Paleolithic art, caves, Gravette, Upper Palaeolithic of the Urals, the Franco-Cantabria

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