Issue 4 (41)

Year 2013 Number 4(41)
Pages 100-110 Type scientific article
UDC 903.26(470.5)”633” BBK 63.442.13(235.55).
Authors Chairkina Natalia M.
Summary The article contains an analysis of the most ancient, created during the Mesolithic (about 7th–8th millennium BC), and the largest wooden anthropomorphic sculpture in the world — the Big Shigir Idol. It was discovered in 1880 in one of the open mines of Shigir peat-bog during excavations for gold production. The author reviewed various options for its reconstruction, provided hypotheses about its initial location, made corrections to its graphic image. Stylistic features of anthropomorphic images represented on the sculpture were analyzed, on the basis of which the author made a suggestion of their individuality and conceptual unity. Huge size, unique decor and structured arrangement of the images suggest multiplicity of semantic texts for the Big Shigir Idol, one of which, quite possibly, reflects the model of the Universe of the Mesolithic population of the Trans-Ural, the reconstruction of which is performed with the use of the Ob-Ugrian mythology.
Keywords Large Shigir idol, reconstruction, graphics, semantics, mythological characters, mythological and ritual practice of Ob-Ugric peoples, the model of the universe of the Mesolithic

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