Issue 3 (40)

Year 2013 Number 3(40)
Pages 47-58 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)"17" BBK 63.3(2)512
Authors Smirnov Yuri N.
Summary The article deals with the new sources on the history of the Russian relations and trade with the Central Asia in the 1730–40s. “Extract of His Imperial Majesty’s Edicts” and other documents of the Orenburg expedition have been found in the archives. One of the authors of the documents was a renowned scholar P. I. Rychkov, who made a significant contribution to the development of the historical, geographical and economic thought of the 18th century. At the same time he was also one of the leaders and organizers of the Russian oriental continental trade. This added value to the historical sources on the subject, which had been drafted with his personal involvement. From these documents it was evident that the interest of the Russian authorities was mostly focused on the following issues: the development of the caravan trade with the Central Asia and India, the safety of the trade routes, mining and supply of precious stones, attracting foreign merchants to Orenburg, the use of the rivers and lakes communication lanes for trade purposes, etc.
Keywords Russia in the first half of the 18th century, history of the Southern Ural region, history of the Volga region, Russian-Central Asian connections, foreign trade of Russia, Russian historiography, source studies of Russian history

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