Issue 3 (40)

PROTECTION OF CHILDHOOD IN THE ROMANOV EMPIRE (on the materials from the Ural of the 18th — early 20th centuries)
Year 2013 Number 3(40)
Pages 77-83 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)"17/19" BBK 63(235.55)5
Authors Golikova Svetlana V.
Dashkevich Ludmila A.
Summary The article studies the problems of the evolution of the social institute of child support in the Russian provinces using the historical-genetic and the historical systemic approaches for the reconstruction of various factors contributing to the formation and evolution of the institute of orphanages. Based on the documents from the Perm, Vyatka, Ufa, and the Orenburg provinces of the 18th — early 20th centuries the author describes the work of child protective services and orphanages run by the Offices of the Empress Maria and the charitable child care projects of the general public, as well as the legal regulation of these institutions. The author draws a conclusion about the existence during that period of a rather comprehensive system of child protective services in the Urals; however the child protective services as a social institution did not become subject of legal regulation. The principles of generality, omnitude and diversity of social protection of childhood did not go further than the official declarations in the Romanov Empire.
Keywords The Romanovs, charity, children’s charity, patronage, social security law

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