Issue 3 (40)

Year 2013 Number 3(40)
Pages 91-98 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)"19" BBK 63(235.55)622+63(235.55)631
Authors Kornilov Gennady E.
Summary The article deals with the agrarian policy of the Soviet state during the late Stalin’s period, which remained unchanged even after the victory in the World War II. The confiscatory procurement policy was the main factor contributing to the extreme poverty of the population in the Ural’s villages. Based on the analysis of historical documents the author presented the economic, demographic and the food availability situation in the countryside during the war and post-war periods. A conclusion on the existence of crisis in the agricultural and food sectors in the early 1950s has been formulated for the first time. Deficit of food products forced the central authorities to provide food and seed subsidies to the farmers of the Sverdlovsk region in order to prevent famine. It is demonstrated that the farmers even under the conditions of collectivism maintained their traditional characteristics and followed the “moral economy” norms.
Keywords agricultural policy, collective, fi nancial position, poverty

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