Issue 2 (39)

Year 2013 Number 2(39)
Pages 16-24 Type scientific article
UDC 39(470.5) BBK 63.529
Authors Zagrebin Aleksey E.
Summary The paper gives a review of the history of the Finno-Ugric ethnographic studies in Russia. The author pointed out an important role of the Ural both as the region and as an image in the history of Finno-Ugric ethnography; it was noted that the search for the ancestral home for the Finns and the Hungarians coincided with the growth of interests in the regional studies among the emerging intellectual elite of the Udmurt and the Komi, which influenced the identity and ethnicity awareness of the Ural’s peoples. The author also described the evolution of research and gave several examples of the Finno-Ugric ethnographic studies research projects continuity.
Keywords Finno-Ugric peoples, Ethnography, Ural, the Finno-Ugric Society, the cause «SOFIN», theoretical and methodological grounds, science, authority, M. A. Castren, A. Reguly, U. T. Sirelius, V. P. Nalimov, K. P. Gerd, scientifi c centers of Finno-Ugric studies

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