Issue 2 (39)

Year 2013 Number 2(39)
Pages 32-40 Type scientific article
UDC 94(571)"15/16" BBK 63.3(2)4
Authors Tychinskih Zaytuna A.
Summary The paper deals with the process of transformation of the economic and cultural traditions of Siberian peoples as a result of the Russian colonization using the service class Tatar population as a case study. The Moscow state as an agricultural power was interested in the introduction of agriculture in the colonized territories. This fact played a decisive role in the change of the economy structure of the aboriginal population. It is demonstrated that in the 17th century a system of the service-class non-Russian population land ownership began to evolve in Siberia conditional on the active service to the Moscow state.
Keywords sluzhilye tatars, agriculture, economic way, colonization, Siberia

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