Issue 2 (39)

Year 2013 Number 2(39)
Pages 47-55 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5) BBK 63.3(235.5)51
Authors Glavatskaya Elena M.
Bespokoiny iAleksandr V.
Summary Based on the analysis of the full set of the missionaries’ reports the paper makes the fi rst attempt of the study of the specifi cs of the Russian Orthodox colonization aimed at changing the religious landscape of the Northern Ural in the end of the 19th — early 20th centuries. The colonization process has been analyzed in the context of the “anthropology of movement” methodology: the missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church is represented as one of the methods of social movement the catalysts of which were the missionaries and the missionary institutes. The characteristic features of the missionary work during the period under study were the systemic approach aimed at achieving the long-term goals, non-violence, the evolution of a new type of a pastor-missionary, and high mobility. Another new aspect of the missionary work was its focus on the development of the cultural landscape of the Mansi in general (opening of a network of schools, translation of the main prayers into the Mansi language). The paper analyzes the methods of advancement of the Russian Orthodox religion among the nomadic and the settled groups of the Mansi, the specifi cs of the evolution of their religious landscape. Based on the new facts identifi ed in the course of the research an electronic historical map “Russian Orthodox colonization and the change of the Mansi religious landscape in the end of the 19th — early 20th centuries” was made.
Keywords Orthodox colonization, religious landscape evolution, Orthodox Missionary Society, Mansi religious traditions, portable church, cultural interaction

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