Issue 2 (39)

Year 2013 Number 2(39)
Pages 56-63 Type scientific article
UDC 39(394.6) BBK 63.5
Authors Bagashev Anatoly N.
Fedorov Roman Yu.
Summary The article deals with the popular Russian Orthodox traditions maintained in the areas of compact settlement of the descendants of the Belorussian farmers who migrated into the Trans-Ural territories. Summing up the materials collected during field research expeditions the author performed a detailed study of various rituals still practiced in the territory of the Tyumen region, including carol singing with a “star”, “Candle” icon carrying ritual, immersion ritual which in some cases was practiced as a substitution for the traditional church baptism of babies. The author studied the mechanisms of preservation and transformation of popular Orthodox Christian traditions in the areas of the initial settlement of the migrants and among their descendants’ communities in the Trans-Ural.
Keywords Belarusian immigrants, folk Orthodox tradition, of caroling with the “star”, ceremony “Candle”, the rite of immersion, the transformation of ethnic traditions, assimilation

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