Issue 2 (39)

Year 2013 Number 2(39)
Pages 137-144 Type scientific article
UDC 904(571) BBK 63.444(253)
Authors Zykov Alexei P.
Summary Scarce facts from the Russian written sources suggested that by the time of the Russian military teams invasion in Siberia at the end of the 16th century the Siberian Tatars already practiced arable corn farming. This hypothesis was strongly supported by the archeological data. Main archeological fi nds included tillage tools (an iron tine point), harvesting (iron sickles), grain milling tools (millstones), and archeobotanical remains found in the Isker settlement — the remains of a Siberian town of the end of the 14th–16th century.
Keywords history, archaeology, plow agriculture, sickles, millstones, cultural cereals, arhaeobotanic sources

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