Issue 1 (38)

Year 2013 Number 1(38)
Pages 28-34 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)”16/18” BBK 63.3(2)52
Authors Alekseeva Elena V.
Nefedov Sergei A.
Summary The article describes the diffusion waves generated by the modern age fundamental innovations in the military and technological fields. It deals with the spread of the four main waves from Europe to Russia reaching the Urals, and the response reaction at both the regional and the national scale. The effect of innovations related to the use of blast-furnace iron smelting, steam engine, precision machine-tools, steel casting techniques on the Russian national and the regional history has been analyzed within the context of West Europe — Russia relations.
Keywords Russia, the Urals, the West, XVII–XIX centuries, military and technological innovations, diffusion waves, industrial revolution, technology transfer, artillery, fi rearms and cold weapon, the Northern War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean War

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