Issue 1 (38)

Year 2013 Number 1(38)
Pages 112-121 Type scientific article
UDC 94(36) BBK 63.3(49=41)
Authors Schavelev Alexei S.
Summary The article is an attempt to understand what were the mechanisms of invasion (integration) of the Rus/Ros groups into the East Slavs communities in the 9th–10th centuries. The author summarized the results of Ladoga, Gnezdov and Kiev studies. It is apparent that the groups of Rus initially seized the outposts in the inter-tribe contact zones. Their initial expansion did not reach beyond the scarcely populated inter-tribe boundary areas. The appearance of the “proto-city” of the Rus caused relocation of signifi cant part of the Slavic population to the distances of 70–100 km away, however at the same time there were active exchange contacts between the Rus’ “trade and merchant settlement” and the Slavs’ “tribal” environment. The data on the linguistic and the ethnographic characteristics of the Rus have been summed up. The Rus/Ros community fi rst evolved as a kind of protoethnos, however in the 10th century it emerged as the ethno-social category of the “military state” dominating over the conquered and the voluntarily connected Slavs “tribes”.
Keywords the emergence of Rus’, Kiev, Ladoga, Gnezdovo, rus’s, Slavic peoples, slovene, krivichi, polyane, ulichi, trade-and-craft settlement, historical archaeology, pidgin-language, historical ethnography, historical sociolinguistics

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