Issue 1 (38)

Year 2013 Number 1(38)
Pages 122-130 Type scientific article
UDC 930(470)”17” BBK 63.3(2)411-02
Authors Sokolov Sergey V.
Summary The article deals with the three key issues discussed in the course of debate between G. F. Miller and M. V. Lomonosov: the origins of the name Rus; the Scandinavian influence on the Slavs during the pre-state period, and the formation of the Ancient Russian state. The author dwells on the intellectual sources of the opponents’ opinions on these issues and their main arguments. The author comes to the conclusion that Miller and Lomonosov shared many conceptual ideas and practical approaches (the intention to look back to the ancient time in order to trace the history of the nation, show the role and the place of the people in antiquity, the characterization of the form of government) however that fact only heightened their argument on the more fundamental issues.
Keywords historiography of the 18th century, intellectual history, Varangian issue, G.-F. Miller, M. V. Lomonosov

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