Issue 1 (50)

Year 2016 Number 1(50)
Pages 16-24 Type scientific article
UDC 82(470.5) BBK 83.3(235.55)52
Authors Gramatchikova Natalia B.
Summary In the middle of the 19th century the language of ethnographic description evolving within the diverse stylistic patterns began to take shape in the provincial media publications. The topic of multicultural population of the southern Ural was becoming an integral element of the “Orenburg Province Vedomosty” and was discussed in the editorials, stories “from remote areas”, state inspectors’ and missionaries’ reports, travel notes, etc. The purpose of the article was the analysis of the ideological palette of the evolving ethnographic discourse based on the correspondence by some obscure and already forgotten amateur historians, researchers, teachers and authors in the Orenburg region (P. Pavlovsky, V. Losievsky, V. Yumatov, V. Zefi rov, I. Sosfenov, K. Ivlentjev, etc.) as well as small newspaper items by some anonymous authors. Three stylistic levels of texts were identifi ed, which corresponded to the three-level matrix of mythological creatures. The author came to a conclusions about maximum stability of the higher (the Holy Russ, the Russian Eagle) and the lower (the underworld and the water spirits) levels in newspaper texts, with different etiology. The images of the “higher pantheon” could be viewed both within the context of opposition between the synchronous and the linear models of the national myth evolution, and in the context of “delayed” aesthetic development of provincial literature. The “lower demonology” images were closely related to natural objects with their own narrative in the oral history of the indigenous peoples of the Ural. At the level of the “middle world” the positions of the authors were changeable, the emotional and ideological assessment of ethnographic data was to a large extent determined by pragmatic tasks of a given text, which could be considered a powerful resource for the development of the ethnographic discourse.
Keywords Sacred Russia, Russian eagle, colonial discourse, ethnography, South Ural press, cave, Bashkirs, Maris, sacred source.

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