Issue 1 (50)

Year 2016 Number 1(50)
Pages 25-31 Type scientific article
UDC 82(470.5) BBK 83.3(235.55)53
Authors Abashev Vladimir V.
Summary The article is a comparative study of landscape descriptions in the works by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak and Vas. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. The author focused on the role of an observer within the structure of description, and his vision of the environment. As was shown in the article, in landscape descriptions by Mamin the emphasis was made on graphic code elements: picture, frame, lines, touch, etc. The author's aesthetic perception was based on easel painting categories, which served for him as a modeling pattern. From the value and meaning perspective the observer was placed outside the described landscape. He looked at it enjoying a perfect work of art created by a great artist — nature. Therefore, even when Mamin described a dynamic process, his landscape descriptions were dominated by the elements of static completion. Nemirovich in his descriptions also often referred to painting. However, within the descriptions texture there were very few graphic code elements. References to painting in the works by Nemirovich lost their content and concealed a signifi cant shift in the landscape description manner. This shift was associated with greater emphasis on the presence of an observer in the narrative. Nemirovich described not a completed picture created by a great artist — nature, but rather recreated the work of vision, closely observing the environment. In his works it was this observation that created the picture, developed the landscape from the general environment. In fact, in Nemirovich's writing the image emphasis was shifted towards the unfolding environment, and he involved the reader into the optical work of close observation. Thus two types of perception of the environment were realized in landscape descriptions by Mamin and Nemirovich. Mamin perceived landscape as something fi nal, molded in aesthetically perfect forms. Whereas Nemirovich preferred the tactile, physical perception of the environment as a gradually unfolding living nature.
Keywords D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, Vas. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, image of the Urals, landscape

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