Issue 1 (50)

Year 2016 Number 1(50)
Pages 32-39 Type scientific article
UDC 82(470.5) BBK 83.3(235.55)53
Authors Vlasova Elena G.
Summary The article analyzed the set of Ural’s essays by a Moscow journalist S. A. Keltsev, who became one of the authors of a new version of the Russian travelog of the second half of the 19th century, to which we refer as the “newspaper travelog”. As was demonstrated in the study the newspaper travelog journalism meant not just a change of content (with the domination of up-to-date social and economic information and the added recommendatory nature), but also the change of the character of constructive elements of the text, specifi cally, the technique of creating images of the environment based on a news report detalization. These characteristics allowed to represent the Ural’s environment in a new light. In Keltsev’s newspaper travelog the image of the Ural acquired photographic quality which went back to a reporter’s background of the author. The Ural’s environment, as never before, was fi lled with the images of active social and economic life, and acquired a new dynamism resulting from an organic combination of news report stylistics and new speed of mechanical (steamer, railway engine) transport which appeared in the Ural during the second half of the 19th century. In general the Keltsev’s newspaper travelog belonged to a group of travel notes marking a new stage in the literary development of the Ural, closing the tradition of describing the region as a marginal territory, the gloomy modern appearance of which looked like a poor reminder of its great and vivid history. By all means this transition occurred owing to several larger fi gures, particularly V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko and D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak. However, as was demonstrated in this study, the genre of popular newspaper travelog developed in parallel, which was an evidence of the generality of processes which started in the mid 19th century and were related to the growing infl uence of newspapers in the social, political and social life of the nation.
Keywords Newspaper travelog, Ural travelog of the XIX century, journalism, reporting, image of the Urals, V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, S. A. Keltsev

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