Issue 1 (50)

Year 2016 Number 1(50)
Pages 40-48 Type scientific article
UDC 82-941 BBK 83.3 (2Рос – 6Ком)
Authors Limerov Pavel F.
Summary Pam-sotnik a pagan volkhv, is fi rst mentioned in “Stefan’s of Perm Living”, a work of Epiphany Premydryi, in the chapter about Pan’s dispute with Stefan of Perm about the benefi ts of religious believes. The decrepit old Pam represents the pagan faith of the Perm land, which is bound to be defeated by Stefan, the carrier of light of the Christian belief. The scene of the dispute unfolds imitating the works in apologetics and polemics style popular in Byzantine tradition, shaped like a Platonic dialogue in the course of which each participant argued about the benefi ts of his believes. Using this literary approach, Epiphany steps outside of the traditional writing and depicts the defeated Pam as a tragic character appealing to our sympathy and respect. The image of Pam shaped the development of the Komi literature. The fi rst writer to turn his attention to Pam was I. A. Kuratov in his poem “Pam” in which a pagan volkhv refused to give up the faith of his forefathers, set himself against not only his own people but also his Gods and became a symbol of tragedy itself. Since then, Pam has become not only a character from hagiography, but also a cultural symbol of Komi people and an example of their best national character traits. Pam’s attractiveness as a national hero is mainly explained by his connection to the mysterious past of Komi people associated with the archetype of the Golden Age.
Keywords Hagiography, Platonic dialogue, dogma, Christianization, paganism, magician, trial by ordail, shamanism

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