Issue 1 (50)

Year 2016 Number 1(50)
Pages 49-55 Type scientific article
UDC 82(571) BBK 83.3(253)6
Authors Rogachyova Natalya A.
Summary The author studied the structure of one of the established spatial symbols in the poetic language of M. Zenkevich. The philosophical, historical and literary, as well as the documentary sources of the image of Siberia formed as a result of bringing together diverse traditions have been identifi ed emphasizing the conversational nature of the early works by M. Zenkevich. Siberian landscape became a manifestation of the geosophical and historiosophical ideas of ‘Adamism’ marking a landmark point in the literary development of Siberia. The article demonstrated the transition from the outwardly descriptive texts about Siberia to a representation of Siberian space as a language meant to symbolize the depths of the unconscious in the Russian mentality. On the basis of comparative analysis of M. Zenkevich’s, N. Gumilev’s, V. Narbut’s, and A. Akhmatova's poetry the acmeists’ topic of Siberian landscape was described and its specifi cs in M. Zenkevich’s ideostyle was defi ned. It was demonstrated that for Zenkevich it was characteristic to project the Siberian topic onto landscape images of the mystical territories of Lemuria, Atlantis and Hyperborea, the memory of which was preserved in the depth of the contemporary humans’ minds. The author’s myth about Siberia was based on archaeological discoveries of the late 19th — early 20th centuries, the eschatological concepts of Russian philosophers, and the occult theories of E. Blavatskaya. The poetics of the Siberian space (physiologism, metamorphic imagery structure, grotesque, temporal diversity) correlated with the understanding of Siberia as a visual form of the unconscious element within the European culture, as a spacial metaphor of genetic memory inherently present in the narrator.
Keywords Mikhail Zenkevich, poetics, Siberian landscape, occultism, geosofi ya, “the Russian idea’’ acmeism

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