Issue 1 (50)

Year 2016 Number 1(50)
Pages 56-63 Type scientific article
UDC 821.161.2 BBK 83.3(2=411.2)52
Authors Larkovich Dmitry V.
Summary Literary recognition fi rst came to T. G. Shevchenko in St. Petersburg where he was received as a poet representing ‘Malorossia’, i.e. one of the provinces. In his early writing the poet relied on poetic tradition of the Ukrainian folklore using a range of artistic expressive means and techniques which had already become standard patterns in romantic literary writing. However, using the current genre models Shevchenko entered into competition with his 'teachers' and soon demonstrated original creative achievements at the crossroads of literature and folklore. During his Ukrainian period the poet had numerous contacts with local creative intellectuals community, particularly with the members of “St. Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood” under whose infl uence he developed an interest to the ideas of Pan-Slavism and a special mission of Ukraine in the cause of uniting all Slavic peoples. However the fact of his existence within the native and organic for him cultu ral environment did not exclude the possibility of Shevchenko’s assuming and independent, and sometimes even controversial position with regard to his associates, particularly on issues invol ving opinions on the contemporary state of Ukrainian national identity. During his exile in Orenburg Shevchenko wrote a cycle of stories in the Russian language, which appeared to be the author’s variations on the popular motifs from well-known European, Russian and Ukrainian literary sources. In this cycle the poet in addition to mastering a new for him style of creative writing also offered his own original interpretation of the already established meanings.
Keywords T. G. Shevchenko, author’s consciousness, regional literature, Pan-Slavism, cross-cultural dialogue

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