Issue 1 (50)

Year 2016 Number 1(50)
Pages 71-78 Type scientific article
UDC 82(470.5) BBK 83.3(235.55)6
Authors Kharitonova Ekaterina V.
Summary The article presents a study of the composition and speech structure in several works by a well known Ekaterinburg author Svetlana Lavrova, written in a genre of fairy-tale journey across the cities of the Ural and addressed to a teenage audience: system categories “author — narrator — story-teller — personage” were analyzed; various types of narrative structures were identifi ed and characterized; methods of inclusion of a teenage reader into the game relationship with the text were established; and the connection between the narrative structure and the semantics and poetics of the work, as well as the imaginative world of the author was studied. The subject of analysis covered various features of the narrative, including the multiplicity of subjects, extensive narrators system, intonational non-uniformity of the narrative, literary editing technique. The genre of the works is synthetic: they contain elements of literary fairy-tale, fantasy, travel notes, travelogs, psychological stories, educational novel, and a futuristic novel. Svetlana Lavrova’s fairy-tale journeys are rich with mythological information, translate facts from the history and culture of the Ural, and contain numerous references to previously published texts (quotations, allusions, reminiscences). As a result the Urals is shown as an ancient land with legendary past and “magic” present inscribed into the global cultural and civilizational space. The image of the Ural is constructed via representation of binary oppositions: sacral — profane; secret — open; true — imagined; living — dead. The author relying on the aesthetic, moral motifs forms in her teenage readers the emotional and value based attitude towards the historical past and present of their native land.
Keywords Region literature, literature for children and teenagers, literary narrativa, travel, the fantastic story, cultural and literary traditions

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