Issue 1 (50)

Year 2016 Number 1(50)
Pages 130-138 Type scientific article
UDC 94(571.51)”19” BBK 63.3(253.5)63
Authors Urozhayeva Tatyana P.
Summary The article deals with the migration processes occurring in the cities of the Norilsk industrial district (NID) in the 1970–1990s. The author studied both external and internal migration flows and examined the migrant population’s motivation for change of residence. The acuteness and the specifi cs of migration problems were predetermined on the one hand by the specifics of the urban population formation inherited from the past (population growth dynamics was determined by the structure and nature of production assets placement within NID), and on the other — the lack of systemic migration policy. The drop of the standard of living, impossibility to meet basic needs of the majority of population, continuous struggle for survival in the 1990s upset the social and demographic balance in the NID cities. The growing gap in the standard and quality of life between the NID cities population and other regions of the country, the growing influence of labor market changes on migration flows, the relative openness of external borders resulted in a radical change of migration flows direction: both their sizes and composition changed, there was a growing inflow of refugees, internally displaced persons, and illegal migrants. Migration processes in NID cities were turbulent and controversial. On the one hand constant need in labor force attracted inflow of labor from the former Soviet republics, on the other — there was a stable outflow of native population from the region. Negative migration balance additionally complicated the already unfavorable demographic situation, decreased the potential for natural reproduction of population, and adversely affected the quality of labor resources.
Keywords Norilsk Industrial Region (NIR), migratory processes, exit dynamics, resettlement programs, depopulation.

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