Issue 2 (51)

Year 2016 Number 2(51)
Pages 6-16 Type scientific article
UDC 39:82-992 BBK 63.500
Authors Golovnev Andrei V.
Summary Anthropology of travel unlike the descriptions of geographic discoveries is focused on motives and perceptions of the traveler himself. Review of journeys made in various periods and countries reveals the diversity of motives of Europeans and Asians, Russians and Chinese, nomads and citizens. It is possible to talk about true hierarchy of travel which in many respects correlates with the hierarchy in society. Main thing in travel is movement, crossing borders and discovery of a new (for the traveler) world. Travel is a right to trespass, right for the discovery and appropriation of the world, and, at the same time, a method of self-assertion in this world. Despite its importance in the global landscape creation, travel from antiquity and to this day has always had some trickster flavor. A traveler in addition to creating illusions often himself becomes an illusion. One of the motives for travel is gaining or raising one’s status. A “masquerade” nature of travel and tourism is stiffly mixed with sexuality. It is quite possible that the original, natural type of travel was a journey in search of women. Today’s world is so open, that the whole and every small part of it is covered by tourist services, and in place of adventurous discoverers came tour agents. Today’s imago mundi is the tourist business menu. Modern phenomenon of selfie is the self-expression of an ego made possible by freedom of cyber networks, and, at the same time, perception of the world as simply a background for this form of self-expression.
Keywords Travel, anthropology, movement, imago mundi, selfie, tourism

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