Issue 2 (51)

Year 2016 Number 2(51)
Pages 17-26 Type scientific article
UDC 39:82-922 BBK 63.500
Authors Zamyatin Dmitry N.
Summary The article studies spatial anthropologies of travel evolution processes based on ontological imagination models. The concept of postnomadism and its interpretation with regard to the ontological travel theme are analyzed. The author studies existential aspects of travel space in the context of specifics of movement and nomadism. The specifics of the travel concept understanding within the spatial anthropology and meta-geography (post-geography) is identified. Travel transforms the ontological meaning of concepts of space and movement contributing to the evolution of mixed, hybrid, synthetic concepts describing and characterizing the dynamic geo-imaginative pictures of the world. Travel viewed through the prism of postnomadism may be understood as an existential co-spatiality experience. Postnomadism is an aspiration to imagine and comprehend a journey as a complete spatiality existence ontologically understood as co spatiality. Postnomadism proves to be an ontological “symptom” and a phenomenological “litmus paper’’ for identification of actual problem field for spatiality study at the interface of the two key groups of discourse disciplines — post-geographies (or in at a more familiar angle, meta-geographies) and (new) spatial anthropologies. Spatial anthropologies in our understanding are focused on pioneer studies of “vertical’’ aspects of anthropy directly related with experiencing and understanding of spatiality. Post-geographies deal as a rule with the imaginative-geographical structuring of new spatial realities. Postnomadism in this conceptual context proves to be a key topic on the example and with the help of which basic cognitive tools and procedures for the study of alternative ontologies of earth space can be developed.
Keywords Travel, postnomadism, soprostranstvennost, spatial anthropology, metageography, geographical image

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