Issue 2 (51)

Year 2016 Number 2(51)
Pages 27-36 Type scientific article
UDC 94(491.1):82-131 BBK 63.3(4Исл)+82.3-441
Authors Jackson Tatjana N.
Summary The Icelandic sagas written down in the 12th–14th centuries contain numerous stories of voyages, travelling, military campaigns, trade enterprises, movements of all sorts, preparations for those trips, and their consequences. On the one hand, these stories are the reflection of real life, on the other hand, they are the result of the specific “objectivity” of a saga genre that results in the fact that the author seems to know nothing about the thoughts and feelings of his characters, but registers the facts only and tells of what can be confirmed by eyewitnesses. One of the main events in the sagas is travelling/sailing of a saga character. Topics related to travel are so numerous in the sagas that travelling can be called their key element. Saga texts show that in connection with travel there had developed in Iceland a specific culture of narrative. Quite often the journey described in a saga is destined not to a place but to a person, a meeting, a conversation, an exchange of news which, on the one hand, are seen as an event worthy of mention, and on the other hand, serve as a stimulus/reason for further action, new developments and new journeys. In the travelogues of saga characters there emerges an ethno-political map of the whole inhabited world (and Eastern Europe in particular) of the time when the sagas were written down. To be more exact, it is the picture of the world that existed in the minds of the authors of the sagas and their audience. It was in travel stories that the ethno-political map of the whole inhabited world (specifically of Eastern Europe) of the time of the sagas was drawn, to be more exact that picture of the world, which existed in the minds of the sagas’ authors and their audience.
Keywords Icelandic sagas, Poetic Edda, Snorri Sturluson, Prose Edda, travel, space, ethno-political map.

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