Issue 2 (51)

Year 2016 Number 2(51)
Pages 37-43 Type scientific article
UDC 94(491.1):82-131 BBK 63.3(4Исл)+82.3-441
Authors Glazyrina Galina V.
Summary In Scandinavian literature of the twelfth through the fourteenth centuries there is a group of texts describing travels of the humans to other worlds inhabited by gods and supernatural creatures (“Gesta Danorum’’ by Saxo Grammaticus, “The Story of Egil the One-Handed and Asmund Berserks-Slayer’’, “The Saga of Yngvar the Far-Travelled’’, “The Story of of Thorstein Mansion Might’’, “The Story of Helgi the Son of Thorir’’, “The Saga of Eirik the Far-Travelled”, etc.). Their authors independently of each other turned to legends which in oral transmission formed a certain narration model. This evidences of popularity and persistence in Scandinavia of stories about travels to the other world. The model is characterized by the use of a similar theme and composition elements (with some variations) and repeated reproduction of a certain group of motifs. Movement in space was understood as either movement along the “top-down’’ axis or horizontal plane. Despite the potential accessibility of the other world’s loci they were remote from the world of the people and fenced against easy crossing to their territory. The topographic objects serving as the border marks and creating an obstacle in most cases were a dark, dense forest, a rough river, a high mountain, an opening barrow, etc. In the sagas these objects could also become a media environment — a conductor making the transition to the other world possible. Poly-functionality of borderline objects was studied in the paper on the example of a river as the most common element of descriptions of crossings to the world of the supernatural powers.
Keywords Scandinavian mythology, Icelandic sagas, world supernatural, topographical objects, top wasps

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