Issue 2 (51)

Year 2016 Number 2(51)
Pages 79-87 Type scientific article
UDC 94(571.1)”18”:39 BBK 63.3(253.3)+63.51(235.3)
Authors Perevalova Elena V.
Perevalova Anna A.
Brusnitsyna Anna G.
Summary Italian naturalist S. Sommier (Florentine school of social anthropology), who traveled alone in the north of Western Siberia in the summer of 1880, was a traveling encyclopedist whose life purpose was obtaining new knowledge about nature and people. During his Siberian Odyssey Sommier came to know the peoples making up an ethnic mosaic of the Russian Empire. Main goal of his expedition (apart from studying the local flora and making botanical collections) was the anthropological and ethnological study of the Ostyaks (Khanty), the Samoyeds (Nenets) and the Zyryan. There were practically no physical-anthropological studies of these peoples before and thus he may rightly be called a pioneer in this field. There were no sensational discoveries in his ethnological studies, however original ethnographic descriptions in combination with a rich collection of data on history, linguistics, economics, and politics added up into a vast canvas of Siberian research materials. After his trip Sommier published a fundamental work "Un estate in Siberia fra Ostiacchi, Samoiedi, Sirieni, Tatari, Kirhisi e Baskiri" (Summer in Siberia among the Ostyaks, the Samoyeds, the Zyryan, the Tatar, the Kyrgis, and the Bashkir) (Firenze, 1885) and a series of papers on botanics, anthropology, and ethnology of the Lower Ob. At the same time for the studies of Siberia and the Ural research papers by Sommier, many of which have never been translated into Russian, have not lost their value even today. Scrupulously collected and brought to Florence botanical, anthropological, ethnographic and visual materials still are a valuable source of knowledge nor only for scholars, but also for the people who were the subject of S. Sommier's studies.
Keywords Stephano (Carl Pietr Stefan) Sommye, travel, Siberia, ostyak, Samoyeds, Zyrians, Florentine (Italian) school of social anthropology

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