Issue 2 (51)

Year 2016 Number 2(51)
Pages 88-97 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.1)”19”:39 BBK 63.3(235.1)531
Authors Survo Vera V.
Survo Arnold A.
Sharapov Valery E.
Summary The article is a review of travel notes by a famous Finnish ethnographer U. T. Sirelius (1872–1929) about his 1911 expedition along the rivers Pinega, Onega and the White Sea coast. The author focused on a comparative study of the Russians’ and the Karelians’ hunting and fishing practices, as well as technological traditions, wooden architecture, northern ornamental tradition, and the Pomors’ ethnic history. U. T. Sirelius’s field observations about the life of the Russian North population in the beginning of the 20th century are still relevant, as they are important for understanding modern ethno-cultural processes. At the same time candid opinions of “essayist” Sirelius about local traditions were interesting as self-descriptions of the native to the researcher culture, creating in the process of his study of the traditional past a Bakhtin type situation of “a person in front of a mirror”. Sirelius in addition to giving his opinion about (in)viability of these traditions also situationally included the studied history into a contemporary to him ideological context. This controversial approach to the study of the past and present of traditions reflected the geographical, confessional, political, and ethnic specifics of the studied cultures, however in the first place it was a response to a conceptual query of the interpreter himself. This focusing on some cultural aspects and ignoring the others, following fashion of the day in selecting research subjects in addition to illustrating the specifics and the dynamics of research trends was characteristic of the current expectations of cultural and ideological environments to which the interpreters also belonged.
Keywords Uuno Taavi Sirelius (1872–1929), Finno-Ugric people, ethnographic field researches, Russian North, Pomorze, Karelia, self-narrative

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